I AM change

Who AM I? Becomes Who I AM!
5 Keys to Getting grounded

1. Become Master of “Who I AM!”

Relax and enjoy the gentle process of essence coaching. Complex questions, logical solutions and down to earth answers, sustain your quest for unique identity. Essence is soul and spirit working together with body and style to bring out your soul deep beauty and strength of character. During individual coaching and group participation sessions, you will focus on such solid topics as:

    • Replace old emotional baggage with space for happiness,
      love and success
    • Find life balance
    • Discover strengths and resources
    • Identify your own spirituality
    • Unleash your charisma
    • Live your passion

Learn secrets of how to handle major life change like job loss, divorce or death.

2. Learn the power of “HOW YOU SEE YOURSELF”

    • Create impact by becoming powerfully self confident without being arrogant
    • Practice opening up to the beautiful soul image you were born with
    • Increase self esteem, self respect, and awareness as you peel back layers of illusion about your self-image
    • Access the power of source energy in identifying the REAL you.
    • Enjoy the wonder of reclaiming the essential you


You wear all the hats, all the time. You are career person, mother, wife, nurturer, etc, Staying grounded gives you breathing room when life happens and change challenges your security. Learn tools to keep you grounded. Allow the world recognize you as reliable, responsible, respected, vibrant and very, very ATTRACTIVE to opportunity.

    • Create rock solid life foundation by creating balance
    • Learn how to intensify your powerful spirit
    • Practice how to combine mind (soul), body, spirit and style with live expert seminars from our spectacular sponsors and expert consultants
    • Discover your own style of charisma
    • Experience how soul and spirit combine to become life essence

4.  Radiate magnetism.
Draw exciting possibility, opportunity and great relationships to you.

Exude attraction and magnetism from every fibre of your body, every word you speak, and every action you take. The Universe will find you very attractive. Others will unconsciously gravitate to you and what you offer.

5. See It....Believe It!

Change is illusive! We help lock in transformation by documenting it with a photo journal of YOUR journey.

Life essence coaching is powerful, transformative AND lasting. We kick it up several notches when we add the believability of seeing how much you have changed visually in short time. This is more than pretty pictures of you looking good. You actually have a true record of change as it is happening but even more, you are reminded every time you see your spiritual and soul energy glowing and emerging of Who YOU are.

This is a power hit that keeps you moving forward long after the program ends.

Remember there are only 20 spaces available for qualified applicants AND the program starts very soon. To send your application now just fill in your name and email address, the application will pop up on this site for you to fill out right away.











Sue Rumack

Susan Rumack
your Essence Coach


Donna Santos

Donna Santos
your transformation photographer