I AM change


July 22 Natasha Jefferies
a progressive testimonial from a participant of i am...Change from Within
This e-mail exchange took place over a few days following the final photo session and one of the last debriefing coaching sessions for the program. To see the Video of Natasha’s Journey click here.
Hello Ladies (Sue and Donna)

... I didn't think that whatever wave that I've been riding on from last night would tie over to today, but it is! :) Still feeling amazing, and it's crazy the difference that other people (especially perfect strangers) seem to be picking up on, and giving me back positive energy in return :)

Response from Donna (photographer)
Hi there Natashia,
Me too, I"m still on a high with that experience..it's affected me too in a very very positive way.
I'm editing the photos now,

Donna Santos

From: Natashia Jefferies
To: Donna Santos ; Sue Rumack ; Sue Rumack
Sent: Friday, July 24, 2009 1:14 PM
Subject: could I possibly say it again?...


I can't thank you enough for the help you've given to me over this process... I CANNOT wait until we see other ladies have similar, impactful experiences. I never would have guessed it would have been this profound when we first talked about it :)



You are ABSOLUTELY PHENOMENAL with a camera, and the energy and personality you bring to what you do. You are just so darned talented :) Everytime I look at these pictures, I get chills... Fantastic work hun!

Sending warm wishes, love and vibrancy out to the both of you with this letter,


PS - That red, hot vixen is still around, in full force :)

I AM...Change From Within

Katia Millar (founder of Positive Fabulous Women Meetup)
“ Fabulous evening that combined some great insights with fantastic nuggets of inspiration to help every woman begin the process of connecting with her essence and discover her true purpose!....great presentation and oodles
of good positive vibes in the room! ”

“ Sue Rumack is well grounded in her area of expertise. I was happy to be reminded of the importance of being congruent in self concept and expression of the same. Incongruity in how we truly feel about ourselves, and how we present to others in dress, expression, and behaviour etc. can create confusion in relationships. That knowledge is a very important building block in our self-work! Thank you. ”

Linda Lean
“ I found the evening to be energizing and inspirational! Sue showed us how to begin to access our inner essence so that our true image is clearly radiated out to the world, thereby attracting the right opportunities. She also provided seven simple steps to building a solid life foundation. Sue provided tremendous value in a short period of time and offered the opportunity for greater learning through her coaching program. ”

Yvette Roberts
“ As always I enjoyed being in a space full of feminine energy. I loved the idea of making a change from Who am I toward I AM.... I was given ideas to ponder and reminders of truths I know but forget at times such as paying attention to my energy and that of others and stay aware of when I am accepting or spending too much time with negative or unhealthy energies that drain me..... There were a lot of cool connections happening with women sharing and another one having a similar story or experience to share during the discussions after the presentation. I know I am not the only one who thrives in that environment.”

“ Very enlightening! Love the pictures, very empowering! Thanks Sue & Donna, you bring such uniqueness & breath of fresh air to this field. ”



Sue Rumack

Susan Rumack
your Essence Coach


Donna Santos

Donna Santos
your transformation photographer